Ministry of Presence

The Ministry of Presence Committee is a highly confidential ministry comprising dedicated parishioners, committed to ministering to the sick, shut-in, and dying members of St. Luke’s and their families. Led by the Rev. Meghan Farr and Kate Deans, we provide a ministry of caring – supporting each other and those we visit by being, literally, present with each other in pain or loss, sadness or celebration. We are there not to replace clergy presence, but to work alongside – being the caring eyes, ears, and hands of Christ.

If you feel called to this ministry of caring, or have any questions or needs, please reach out to either the Rev. Kent Walley, the Rev. Rev. Meghan Farr, Kate Deans or call the parish office.

Parish Life Line

The Parish Life Line ministers to our St. Luke’s parishioners in times of need.

The “behind-the-scenes” volunteers of the Parish Life Line delivered over 40 plants and flowers to our parish sick and shut-ins or to those who had lost loved ones or experience a difficult family situation during this past year. In addition, the volunteers prepare meals and help with driving needs to parish families encountering challenging times.

This service is available to all members of the parish when emergency assistance is needed — especially with meals or transportation. If you should have a need, please call the parish office to initiate support.

Appeal Letter from Kent
How Can I Help?
Volunteer Form