The Community Soup Kitchen (CSK ) in Morristown is a group of churches and businesses whose mission is to provide hot, healthy meals in a warm, safe and caring place, free of charge to anyone who comes to its door. In the beginning, a few churches and synagogues from the area provided simple meals to 20-30 people a day. Today, nearly 2,000 volunteers from many houses of worship provide meals to 150-300 guests a day!

The people of St. Luke’s have been volunteering for the Soup Kitchen for 25 years. This wonderful mission gives us a local opportunity to live our vision to “serve God’s people with loving kindness and generosity.” Volunteers are needed, and it only requires a few hours a month.  One team from St. Luke’s serves at the CSK on the fourth Wednesday of every month.  On the preceding Monday, another team of cooking “captains” shops for food and on Tuesday, a group of cooks gathers in the kitchen at St. Luke’s to prepare the meal.

For more information about the CSK or to volunteer, contact Jane Knight at, Helen Kielty  at or Barbara Noe at, or visit